2015 Easter Payroll Deadlines

[vc_message type=”attention”] Owing to the Bank Holidays taking place over the Easter period (3rd April & 6th April), the following deadlines have been implemented to ensure that we can pay our candidates. [/vc_message]

Week Ending 27th March 2015

To ensure all candidates are paid into their bank accounts on Thursday 2nd April 2015, all signed timesheets must be received by us no later than 12pm on Monday 30th March 2015. Failure to meet this deadline will result in delayed payment of wages.

Week Ending 3rd April 2015

To ensure all candidates are paid into their bank accounts on Friday 10th April 2015 all signed timesheets must be received by us no later than 12pm on Tuesday 7th April 2015. Failure to meet this deadline will result in delayed payment of wages.

Please note it is your responsibility to ensure we receive a signed copy of your timesheet in good time to meet the deadlines detailed above. Timesheets received after the times specified will result in delayed payment of wages.

We would strongly recommend that due to the shortened amount of time we have to process all the payments, and the limited postal service around the Bank Holidays, timesheets should be faxed or emailed to us immediately after they have been signed, ensuring they arrive at our office as soon as possible. If this is not possible please ensure they are sent First Class, again, as soon as they have been signed or else hand delivered to our offices.

Unfortunately, due to time restrictions we will be unable to chase any missing timesheets.

Please remember that our offices will be closed on each of the 2 Bank Holidays.

To download a timesheet [vc_button url=”https://www.gpwrecruitment.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/GPW-Timesheetletter-2.pdf” text=”Click Here” size=”small” align=”left” type=”primary” icon=”fa-file-pdf-o” color=”{{color}}” target=”_blank”]


[vc_contacts address=”Worsley House, North Road, St Helens, Merseyside WA10 2BL” phone=”01744 452 089″ email=”payroll@gpw.uk.com” layout=”with_icons”]