Candidate of the Month!

It’s time for our second instalment of our Design for Manufacture Candidate of the Month.

Scott Booth is the lucky Winner of our second instalment of the competition; Scott was placed at WFEL in Stockport back in August last year by our DFM consultant Dan Westhead.

WFEL is an established world leader in tactical military bridging, supplying 39 armed forces across the world for over four decades.

After hearing about his performance and how well he had settled into his new position Dan saw him as a great contender for Candidate of the Month and put him forward. Scott managed to bag himself a £25 High Street Voucher along with a variety of treats for him and his colleagues.

We also received a few words from his line manager over at WFEL about Scott’s performance – ‘At the interview, Scott’s impressive portfolio of CAD work and easy going personality made him the ideal candidate. He settled in quickly and over the last year has made a valuable contribution to the Design department, becoming a respected member of the team’