CV Tips – July 2016

Take an evaluative look at your CV as it stands today .Maybe even a friend or professional contact and ask for as honest feedback as possible. With recruiters and HR professionals receiving hundreds of CV’s per day it is easy for them to distinguish between the good and the bad.

• Format it. Make it as easy as possible to read with no fancy fonts or distracting images, simple,clear and accessible.

• Is this job you really want? Does your experience contribute to the role you’re applying for? Do you posses the qualifications needed to qualifications? Can you live up to the expectations of your new manager? It is key to apply for jobs that you fit as the rest may be a waste of time and energy.

• Be as original as you can probably imagine there are lots of well-worded CVs on the Internet that are there to be copied, but if you’ve seen it, the recruiter and hiring manager have most likely seen it too. Rather than bending someone else’s words to make it fit your own experience or strength, use your own words.

• Is your CV free of wrongly spelled words, Capitalization where it’s not needed and punctuation? Regardless of the position you are going for, such attention to detail will more than likely be taken into account.

• Put the most impressive information up front; recruiters and hiring managers may only read the first sentence and/or bullet of your most recent job summaries.

Your CV must be a brief summary of your professional and/or educational experience that succinctly and clearly shows a recruiter you are the best person for the job.